St. Mary’s Catholic High School 

PSO March


The SMHS Parent Service Organization (PSO) exists to serve the SMHS students, staff, alumni and parents through volunteer, prayer and financial support in school-sponsored activities that promote the formation of virtuous young men and women who know the truth and love the good. 

Join Us in Prayer…First Friday (4/5) Parent Rosary in the library conference room Email any prayer intentions to 

PSO Meetings: Thursday, March 21st 6pm-7pm, in the SM Cafeteria All parents welcome!!!

Contact Amy Maschue (PSO president) with questions at 

Agenda Items: Possible End-of-Year Family Pancake Breakfast for Returning/Incoming Families, Taste of SM, PSO Budget Planning and Elections for Next Year, SM Swag & Athletics Help Update 

SM Moms UKNIGHTED Meeting Saturday, March 3rd 11am to 1pm 

Manuel’s on Indian School & 28th Street 

Thanks to all who came! Thank you to our chair Mikki Galindo for planning such fun! 

April meeting TBD so keep a look out in the SM Weekly emails. 

Thank you to Naomi Lomelli and Nereyda DeLeon for planning a fun and successful Father-Daughter Dance!! Daddies and daughters danced the night away to 50’s music with great burgers grilled up by Coach Rideau and an unlimited ice cream sundae bar and milkshake stand. 

Parent Helpers needed for Taste of St. Mary’s 

Please help us find great donations for the silent auction. Even partial gift cards can be turned in (Amazon, Target, etc.) so the Taste planning crew can use them to buy items they need to fill in gift baskets! 

Contact Kristen for more info 

It’s so fun….Buy a ticket and ATTEND! April 13th 4-7pm 

If you are good at making things look pretty, Larissa Rodgers needs your help with the silent auction baskets. Contact her at 

Calling all SM parents who like to organize and socialize at the same time! Our SM supply closet (located in the cafeteria) is in need of organization. We have tons of treasures piled up in there and need help sorting and organizing them so that students, parents and staff can reuse them for SM activities. Light snacks, drinks and music will be provided to make the work fun too! 

Time: 9am to 1pm 

Date: Saturday, March 23rd 

Place: Cafeteria 

Email Amy Maschue at