St. Mary’s Catholic High School 




We hosted a parent-sponsored Back-to-School BBQ. It was 110*F and 300+ SM students and family members came together to enjoy popsicles, hotdogs, drinks and games…including a dunk tank. We also restarted our SM Mom group. Moms UKnighted is our PSO social group for current and former SM moms. We’ve met for fun at Postino’s, Manuel’s and Shelly Sullivan’s for a Christmas cookie exchange! February-May activities to be announced soon. 


With SM community support, we sponsored the student homecoming floats. Instead of floats, the students decorated and donated playhouses for needy Phoenix kids. Check out this story from CBS 5 about it. Qa2gwZjhZWmhNc3VUYmtVRWxF/view?usp=sharing 


It wasn’t quite Christmas, but the SM community was in the Christmas spirit with cookies, coco and pictures with Santa at our 1st Hoopcoming! We kicked off the basketball season with fun, fellowship and 500+ jars of jelly to donate to Paz de Cristo, a local charity that provides PB and J sandwiches for the homeless. We also showed appreciation for our awesome teachers and staff at our 1st Appreciation luncheon. 


With a few drop-off dates, SM families donated their used items to sponsor our 1st SMPSO Yard Sale. On one sale day, we raised $2800+! All proceeds will be used to support student and SM community activities. We also began helping to host and welcome prospective incoming families/students. 


Fathers and daughters danced the night away while enjoying burgers, shakes and ice cream sundaes. 


We continued to provide volunteer support for new student activities, the Taste of St. Mary’s and more. 


Parents prayed together in the school library conference room each 1st Friday. Our Moms UKnighted Club met monthly for food, friendship and fun! 

If you are interested in helping, please contact Amy Maschue at