MARCH FOR LIFE Washington D.C.
Dear Friends of Saint Mary's,
At Saint Mary’s, our mission to provide a liberal arts education that forms virtuous young men and women who know the Truth and love the Good is rooted in our belief that Jesus Christ is the source and summit of all truth and goodness. Through both faith and reason, our Christian worldview leads us to recognize the inherent dignity and value of every human person and calls upon us to respond in justice and love whenever we see that dignity being denied. Tragically, the dignity and personhood of millions of unborn children have been systematically denied in our country since the Supreme Court legalized abortion in the United States in 1973.
San Francisco
The Walk for Life in San Francisco was led by Fr. Robert Bolding and Mr. Spina. We were blessed to have several other faculty and staff join us for this trip. We took 28 juniors and seniors. We had an amazing time touring Alcatraz, Twin Peaks, Baker Beach, and Pier 39. The highlight of the trip was getting to pray and tour several beautiful churches in San Francisco, such as, Ss. Peter and Paul.
Saint Mary’s is committed to celebrating and advocating for the beauty and dignity of every human life. In support of this, I invite you to pray the following every day:
An Our Father for expectant mothers whose pregnancy is marked by challenging circumstances.
A Hail Mary for the students of Saint Mary’s, that they may continue to boldly proclaim the Gospel of Life in their families, neighborhoods, and on social media.
If you feel called to become more actively involved in these issues, don’t hesitate to contact me or Mrs. Liz Salgado, the moderator of our Youth for Life club. We would be happy to point you in the direction of some worthy organizations.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, “Patroness of the Unborn,” pray for us!
Ryan Ayala
Campus Minister