By Lia Scuderi
Juniors and seniors -- How would you like to get out of the city, get some time away from school, get to know some new friends, and, while you’re at it, get closer to God? Last semester, St. Mary’s students managed to do all of that and more when they attended the fall Kairos retreat near Payson. If you missed out on that opportunity, don’t despair! You still have time to apply for the spring Kairos retreat in March. We sat down with Mr. Francisco Santana, our campus minister, to get some of the basics about Kairos.
What is Kairos?
“Kairos” is a Greek word that means “the opportune moment” or the right time for action. On a Kairos retreat, students have an opportunity to examine their relationships with God and with the people in their lives while also considering what they want their lives to be. Senior Jazmin Perez said about her experience with Kairos last year, “Kairos helped me be open to others as we shared stories and brought me closer to God.”
When is the spring Kairos retreat?
The Spring Kairos Retreat is scheduled for March 8-11
Why should students attend Kairos?
Juniors and Seniors should attend Kairos if they are seeking to encounter Christ for the first time, or if they want to have a more intimate relationship with Him. Like all retreats, Kairos is similar to “ascending to the mountaintop” to be with God, and then descending the mountain after hearing His voice to better pursue His plan.
Are both juniors and seniors allowed to attend? Would they have different roles?
Juniors and seniors are both allowed to attend. When it comes to “roles,” the question is not which grade you are in, but whether you’ve attended Kairos before. Students who have attended a Kairos retreat can apply to attend the retreat again, but as “leaders.” Leaders go through training before attending their second Kairos.
What will be gained from Kairos?
According to Mr. Santana, ”What will be gained from Kairos largely depends on the participants’ openness to God’s grace, and to hearing His voice. The Holy Spirit is active and effective, and only He knows what will ultimately be gained. My hope is that the retreat participants will return inspired to live out their faith zealously, and that the bonds of friendship within the St. Mary’s family will be renewed and strengthened at Kairos.”
How is this retreat different from other retreats St. Mary’s offers?
Much of what happens at a Kairos retreat is held in confidence, but some differences are obvious. Unlike other St. Mary’s retreats, Kairos is held near Payson at Tonto Rim Christian Camp for four days. This retreat is grade-specific, but it is open to two grade levels. Students must apply to attend Kairos-- whether they hope to attend as a participant or as a leader.
So, if you are interested in deepening your relationship with the Lord and with classmates -- many of whom you may not have had an opportunity to get to know in the past — consider applying to attend the spring Kairos. This retreat has been heavily impactful on participating students.