By Javier Perez
Julian Morales, Caspian Jones, PJ Lewis, Father Wetzel
Former St. Mary’s chaplain and theology teacher, Father Estevan Wetzel, made his long-awaited return to our campus on Sept. 7 when our JV football team played against Pope John Paul II High School. (Earlier this year, Fr. Wetzel was appointed chaplain at JP II high school and parochial vicar of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish.)
A self-proclaimed “neutral supporter” of both teams, Father Wetzel was shown much love from the Saint Mary’s students who clearly miss his presence on campus. During his tenure at St. Mary’s, Father Wetzel deeply affected the lives of many students by having private talks and administering the sacraments. He never turned down an opportunity to speak with any student, and he was very capable of identifying students who were troubled and in need of some advice.
Javier Perez, Angel Vargas, Father Wetzel
The return to St. Mary’s was understandably a little awkward for Father Wetzel as he had to see his former and current schools compete against one another. When asked how he felt about this matchup Father Wetzel replied, “Conflicted heart. I like both my kids. I haven’t stopped loving you all, and I currently love my JPII kids too.” Father Wetzel’s return was much appreciated, and we hope to see him again.