Behind the Scenes: Twelfth Night

By Tomasa Perez, Editor

Do you ever wonder what it is like to be behind the scenes during the performance of a play? 

Junior Shelby Anderson says, “In engaging in theater, you become a part of something greater than yourself. The cast and crew are a community that has formed and come together to make something wonderful happen. I don’t think I’d be embellishing if I called it nothing short of sheerly magical.”

After spending about nine weeks together doing rehearsals, building sets, tech setups, and preparing for the final show, you begin to see many different talents on stage and off stage. Each cast member has their own way of acting and memorizing. Each crew member has their own way of organizing and their own ways to learn.

 This spring, several students participated in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night as their first Saint Mary’s production. During auditions, it was thrilling to see so many new faces in the theater. Evangelina Sai Pan and Eloise Mar took practice during the nine weeks and performed “Dream a Little Dream,” “With Hey ho, the Wind and the Rain,” and “O mistress mine.”

On March 18, the cast and crew held “Cue-to-cue”- an opportunity for the tech crew members who run the lights and sound to rehearse their cues. Traditionally, cast and crew members come early in the morning in their pajamas, bringing games, music, and sometimes homework. 

The final days before opening night are extremely busy. Rehearsals run through the whole show and continue until 9pm. Each night, at the beginning of rehearsals, the cast and crew have dinner together and spend time with one another before the show. In the hair and makeup rooms, there is always music playing, and most of the cast and crew members sing along while they get ready. The atmosphere is truly uplifting and exciting. 

An hour before the show, actors and crew members make any final touches needed on the sound, lights, costumes, etc. As the theater doors open, the music welcomes the guests. The show begins, lights go dim, and Evangelina begins to sing the first lines of “Dream a little Dream.” The show went on into the night. Although there were missed cues, and skipped lines, no one gave  up.

After every show,the cast members gather in the drama room to celebrate together and make memories. After opening night, some cast and crew members went to In-n-Out to celebrate and talk about the play.

The last show is always the best. Although we are exhausted, we still go out and have fun. Every year, after the performance, the juniors put together a senior ceremony, where each junior chooses a senior and gives a speech and a rose to a senior. It’s always emotional for the seniors because you spend a lot of time together, especially being involved for four years. After this, we go to the cast party and celebrate together and read notes the audience has left for the members.